Tools of Titans Best Billonaires Life Hacks

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss gives a great foundation for advice, insights and reflections from top performers achievers across different fields. The book is divided in to 3 parts: Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. Those three sections contain “key take-aways” Ferriss has picked up from interviews with 170-plus guests on The Tim Ferris Show.



Healthy – physical and mental wellness. Ferriss includes advice from athletes, Doctors and fitness professionals to give you some grounded routines/ lessons on how they stay healthy. One common one, for instance: most writers will tell you that sleep is vital. One of the most well-known docs, Dr. Peter Attia talks about sleep and explains how it is vital to good health He recommends having a fixed time to go and sleep in bed with good sleeping environment.


The other main subject is Nutrition & Diet! Both the book contain other perspective for good food, such as, keto diets or intermittent fasting. Ketosis is Good for Physical and Mental Performance A researcher into the ketogenic diet, Dominic D’Agostino details how ketosis may effect physical and mental performance. It also includes exercise routines from professional bull riders.Pavel Tsatsouline lays out his training for developing strength and endurance through kettlebell work,


This section is also meant for individuals aiming to manage their mental health. In the article, contributors such as Tony Robbins and Jamie Foxx provide their tools for mental clarity. Robbins, for instance, promotes using a simple gratitude and visualisation exercises to start the day on an correct note. It all helps reduce stress and keeps morale high.




The Original Wealthy Section (General Money Making Riches) All from billionaires, investors and people who have done really well in the entrepreneurship space. You are asking for them to literally spill the beans about how they got rich. A simple approach to it is — Stick what you are good at and leverage that, Get help where you fall short.


Billionaire Peter Thiel is a case at point He discusses how to become a monopoly whatever that is by making something so good it crushes anything else in its market. For example, instead of going after everyone in the market he says to start small and scale up. This is counter-intuitive to the common advice of wanting to be everyones favourite from day one.


Chris Sacca, for instance – the guy who first put money in Twitter and Uber at inception had a pretty smart one. That has made one UK firm founder into a risk taker and opportunity hunter across newly emerging markets, he says. But then Sacca goes on to stress the importance of getting in a room with other high-achievers.


This section covers more than a few business things- it helps you with your money too. Practicalities — like budgeting and investing (I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi) Setting your money to run on autopilot …can allow you time and make sure that you are saving/investing.




The Wise section is a goldmine of lessons on personal growth and lifelong learning. Ferriss assembles the musings of thinkers, authors and spiritual leaders, presenting us with a cornucopia of ideas to help us live richly and well.


One key theme that comes right to the top is: Never Stop Learning, Always Stay Curious How Ryan Holiday and Maria Popova like growing their minds Stoicism, writes Holiday, seeks to find — in reading and contemplating the words of ancient philosophy — a source of timeless wisdom. Popova discusses how taking in diverse learnings from other fields can inspire new ideas.


 Then how to practice mindfulness and meditation. Many people discuss how meditation clears the mind and promotes feeling peaceful. The business guy who practices meditation (like Naval Ravikant, for example). He then shares his meditation with our audience and goes on a deep dive in to how that has centered him throughout this experience.


Other big topics include spirituality and discovering your purpose. Thoughts from contributors like Paulo Coelho, author of “The Alchemist,” and Brene Brown on vulnerability. In other words, Coelho says to follow your dreams and make sure you find happiness in a way that is true for no one but yourself. Brown discuss how our vulnerablity can actaully make us stronger and help have a better life.



Practical Takeaways


Get my favourite non-academic read book here: Tools of Titans (This is a gold mine when it comes to actionable stuffs that can help improve your life). Tim Ferriss has done a wonderful job of compiling all kinds of tips and tricks that have worked for very successful people. The best part? He dissects them into bite-size pieces that you can actually apply to your own way of living.


A really neat part of the book is morning routines..You know, how you start your day? It turns out, lots of super successful folks have specific things they do every morning to kickstart their day right. They might exercise a bit, meditate, or plan out their day. These routines help them stay focused and positive.


Another awesome idea in the book is that of treating your life like an experiment. Instead of just sticking to the same old habits, try different things to see what works best for you. Tim Ferriss himself is big on this idea and shares his own experiences in the book.


Treating your life as an experiment is another such idea in the book. Experiment with new ideas rather than falling back on the old stand backs Tim Ferriss is a huge fan of this process and provided his own stories within the book.


In the end Tools of Titans is a treasure trove of insights into becoming healthier, wealthier and wiser. The coolest thing, however, is that you can select the topics so you end up learning things of YOUR choice. So if you seriously into business, sports or want to be a better person this book has something for everyone. Even the most complex concepts become simple with Tim Ferriss, so its a must for anyone looking to better themselves life in lots of different ways.

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