To enhance your career, how should you use LinkedIn?

The Ultimate LinkedIn Guide for Students and Professionals


LinkedIn is a powerful tool for students and professionals who want to develop  careers.It’s the one of the largest community of job and career proffessional’s who give supports customers.LinkedIn is a universally recognized platform for professionals. It’s known to be the largest community of professionals globally. Surveys have shown that currently, 78% of recruiters use LinkedIn to verify candidates’ qualifications because there’s no comparison to LinkedIn in terms of knowing all of a person’s professional skills. That’s why more than 600 million people worldwide are using LinkedIn to advance their careers. The popularity of LinkedIn is also rapidly increasing in Bangladesh. Let’s find out how using LinkedIn can assist in advancing your career:


1.The first thing people notice is your name. It’s crucial to write your name correctly. Many profiles have a common mistake – incorrect name formatting. For example, if someone’s name is written as ‘PIAL HASAN’, it’s not comfortable to read.‘Pial Hasan’ with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase is easier to read. This detail may seem minor, but it’s essential. It helps in forming an impression about your communication skills, organization, professionalism, etc.


2.If you want to develop career in Linkedin it is important for you to have a good Linkedin profile duing student life.But money of us we do not clearify what they are and studying and also their skills.Mention in your linkedin profile every every information of you like your studying year ,institution,subjects,deparments and so one.AAnd it keep updated regularly. 


3.Another thing students should keep in mind is to accurately write the name of their educational institution. For example, if someone studies at Dhaka University, it should be written as the official name ‘University of Dhaka’. Since LinkedIn is an international platform, adhering to international standards is preferred.


4.Many students lack work experience. Thus, they often fill their experience section with educational qualifications.
Ensure that the experience section isn’t left blank. Mention any relevant activities like tutoring, small internships, online writing, video creation, photography, etc.


5.Let’s talk about professionals now. Suppose you’ve worked in three different organizations, but focus on only one in your LinkedIn profile – the latest or the most relevant one.


6.LinkedIn isn’t just about writing about professional work. Building professional relationships is crucial. So, don’t hesitate to write various aspects of your personality in your profile.Those who read your profile might find common interests, which can lead to establishing a connection with you.


7.Use only one email for communication. Some people have multiple phone numbers/email accounts. However, having one account where you can always be reached is preferable.
Make it a habit to check that email regularly. A quick response can give the recipient an informative impression about your professionalism and skills.


8.‘LinkedIn Answers’ is a significant place where experts provide solutions to various problems. If you know the answers to any questions, contribute them.

9.Joining various groups to expand your network is an option. However, the problem is most groups don’t significantly contribute to achieving desired goals. LinkedIn creates groups every second.


Therefore, although it’s time-consuming to select the right groups, it’s crucial for you. Join groups relevant to your profession, skills, and interests after careful consideration.


10.Many people use LinkedIn solely for job hunting purposes. However, finding a job this way can be difficult if you lack the necessary skills and qualifications.
LinkedIn not only serves as a job search platform but also helps in networking with people, which can yield far-reaching benefits.


11.Share various types of content regularly. Share your blog posts through the LinkedIn feed.

12.Building connections is a significant skill. On Facebook, many people keep connections only with those nearby and avoid keeping anyone outside their close circle in their friend list. In the corporate world, this is considered foolish. The larger your network, the more your business will expand. Talk to people, get to know them, stay connected on LinkedIn at various meetings, seminars, and workshops.


13.Just as we create pages or groups on Facebook, we can also create similar groups on LinkedIn focusing on personal connections. You can form a professional team with your acquaintances. This will strengthen your presence in your field of work.


14.Many may have heard of the term “elevator pitch.” Imagine meeting someone in an elevator, and you only have 30 seconds to present yourself! It’s a tough task, but you need to know how to make the most of such opportunities. Because recruiters won’t spend a long time behind you. LinkedIn’s ‘Summary’ is somewhat like an elevator pitch. Summarize your goals, where you want to reach in your career, and why you are suitable. By answering these common questions briefly, you can write a concise, attractive summary.


15.How should your LinkedIn photo be? Many may underestimate the importance of a picture, but it forms the initial impression of you in people’s minds. Since your LinkedIn profile is for professional purposes, the photo should be professional as well.


16.LinkedIn can recommend various professional skills and experiences from connected professionals. Employers often scrutinize candidates’ LinkedIn profiles before interviews.

17.Use various ‘Key words’ when describing your skills. Think about what skills your employer might expect from you and use those as keywords.


18.There is an app on LinkedIn called ‘Company Buzz’ which allows you to see comments, opinions, etc., about your company or yourself on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

19.Even if you are not active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, do not forget to provide your LinkedIn profile link. It will help you network with new connections through different mediums.


Linkedin is a important and one of most popular platform for career development and personal growth.By keeping  your information updated on linkedin profile and connecting with knowlageble  person you will enhace your skills and abilities.And always stay active on linkedin group give feedback people you can easly connect and build networking with others. Make the most of LinkedIn to enhance your professional network and achieve your career goals

LinkedIn is an important platform, and I hope you will enjoy its benefits by editing your LinkedIn ID properly.In this article i shere with you all of my personal experience and opinions with you .I think this article help you to build a good linkedn profile

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