The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research and SEO Techniques

SEO is nothing but an art by which various websites are brought to the first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox, where people go to search for everything. A website is ranked by using various keywords in SEO, so when people search for their desired topics, they can find the best website for visitors. People call it search engine optimization or search engine optimizer. Search engine optimizers are those who optimize it, and optimization is a process of how to optimize it. It is not easy to sift through the sea of information available on the internet. However, those who present information on the internet through websites or other means want to organize the information in such a way that visitors can easily find the information they provide. SEO is the method of serving information according to the convenience of being found.

In this article, I’m going to talk about the types of SEO. As an SEO specialist, when you start working on a SEO project, it has to be divided into several parts.The first part is keyword research, followed by analytics and tracking fixes, technical fixes, on-page optimization, and off-page optimization.These are the five main steps. There are also a few smaller steps, but whether you’re employed or freelancing, you can basically break down a project into five parts.

Why is SEO important?

Suppose you have an e-commerce business and are selling books. You want your e-commerce book-selling website to show up at the top of the search engine when people search for books. More than a billion searches are done every second on Google.

To learn search engine optimization, you need to know these things:


Search engine: A search engine is basically a web search engine or software program that collects information and returns that information at a time of interest. When we need many kinds of information, we go to a search engine and collect the information as we like by searching in different ways. Suppose you need to know the answer to a question. You may come to a search engine like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and so on and search for your answer. You may easily find your answer here. And you also can see more answers related to your question.

Search box:For collecting different types of question answers and for collecting information you want, we go to different search engines. The search engine where we search by typing our keywords is called a search box.

Keyword: A keyword is your desirable question, what you wanted to know through a search engine.

Traffic:Simply put, traffic is you. When you go to a website and want to find your information, then you are called the traffic of that website.

Types of SEO:There are basically three types of SEO. They are On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, and Technical SEO. These three types of SEO are almost equally important for a website to rank.

Keyword Research

While writing content, the research done to find out which words or phrases used in the article will attract more visitors from Google is called keyword research. After deciding to write an article on any topic, content writing has to begin with keyword research.

For example, if your client gives you a website and says, “I want more traffic on this website, bring me more traffic or visitors,” as an SEO expert, your first task will be keyword research. This is your first step in starting an SEO project. Keyword research involves trying to figure out which keywords you can use to rank a website on the first page of Google. For instance, if your client owns a clothing company, your job as an optimizer is to research and find out which words or sentences can be used to rank the website on the first page of Google and attract more visitors to the website. However, as an SEO specialist, you should always keep in mind that your target is not only to rank your client’s business on the first page of Google, but also to bring the right visitors to the website, such as those who are likely to purchase the product.

Page Structure: The page structure distinguishes between writing an article for a site and writing a common verse. The page structure of web content has special classification and section rules.

Content Quality: The quality of how well a piece of content is written, which makes it more acceptable to Google, is the main topic of discussion in this sector. Content quality depends on various factors, including headings, keyword placement, paragraph organization, and the inclusion of images.

I have seen many SEO experts around me rank their clients’ websites on the first page of Google, but they rank them for the wrong keywords. Sometimes, these keywords are not searched by any visitors. As a result, the website ranks first in Google, but there are no visitors because no one actually searches for the keyword for which the website has been ranked. So as an SEO specialist, you should always keep an eye on the right keywords.


Types Of SEO


On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is directly compatible with the content of any site.

On-page SEO has to be done separately for each post and page of any website. The main purpose of this type of SEO is to accurately explain the authentic content of a particular page to search engines and to prove how informative it is for the general public.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO builds our site’s relationship with other sites and introduces us as a trusted authority to search engines.

Think about it, if a stranger suddenly walks into our house, no matter how sweetly he speaks, we do not trust him. But if someone we already know introduces us to someone new, we entertain him.

This is also the case with search engines. Google can’t easily trust any new website. That’s why no matter how good the content they publish is, they are not placed at the top of the search results initially. As a website ages, Google starts to consider it more reliable. However, this process is very time-consuming. Off-page SEO is needed to expedite this process. Search engines can rank any website very quickly if off-page SEO is done properly.

Technical SEO

Apart from the content of any website, all the other basic things are arranged according to the conditions of the search engine (Technical SEO). The main purpose of technical SEO is to customize the entire structure of a website and make it acceptable and attractive to any search engine and visitors.

Website size and design: Good structure and good design of a site has a profound impact on SEO. Search engines love sleek light design themes a lot.

Page Loading Speed: Examine the speed of a site that ranks first in search results for any keyword. Basically, search engines absolutely love websites that load slowly. Increasing the loading speed of a website is one of the most important factors of technical SEO.

Mobile Friendliness: Even if a website looks fine on a computer, there are design flaws that may not be noticed properly on a mobile phone. Since, nowadays 70% of people in the world browse the web using mobile phones, it is very important to use mobile friendly themes.

Sitemap & Robot txt file upload : Knowledge of this topic is essential while adding website to search engine.

SSL Certificate : There is no substitute for SSL certificate to prove that the website is safe and trustworthy.

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO

White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO are basically two other names for search engine optimization. White Hat SEO refers to the strategy of bringing a website to the top of search results without breaking the rules and conditions of search engines.

On the other hand, Black Hat SEO is the attempt to bring a website to the top of the search results by breaking the rules of the search engines.For example, if you complete a blog article using correct keywords to rank it in the search engine, follow the page structure, and get a backlink from a reputable site after publication, then it will be considered White Hat SEO.However, most didn’t do that before. They used to match the background color of the text with sufficient keyword spacing. Besides, there was a high level of spamming in the comment sections of various sites with links to the site. That was Black Hat SEO.

Before engaging in Black Hat SEO, many obtained good positions in search engines. However, their websites can no longer be found, because search engines have become much smarter recently. They use state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to determine rankings. Hence, it is almost impossible to rank a website using Black Hat SEO in this era.

Gray Hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO is a combination of White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Basically, Gray Hat SEO is done by using White Hat SEO to its maximum extent. This type of SEO is not entirely White Hat SEO, nor can it be called Black Hat SEO.In fact, Gray Hat SEO is a special form of SEO that falls somewhere between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO.

For example, the use of target keywords within the text is an important part of White Hat SEO. However, using a focus keyword more than 20 times per thousand words violates Google’s keyword density rules.That’s why many people use target keywords 12-14 times in their writing, which is neither strictly White Hat SEO nor Black Hat SEO.

The main objective of using Gray Hat SEO is to rank in search engines for specific keywords in a very short period of time. Although search engines are slowly cracking down on Gray Hat SEO as well, many have achieved excellent positions in Google through it.

Local SEO

A special type of SEO is called Local SEO. The full form of Local SEO is Local Search Engine Optimization.According to the Wikipedia definition, SEO through which a web page is optimized to obtain a good position in the search results of search engines by targeting visitors or customers of a specific region is called Local SEO.Simply put, while SEO in general ensures that your webpage is consistently shown in the world’s search results, with Local SEO, your desired website or webpage is tailored specifically for the people of a particular area, not just for the entire world.For example, suppose you have a drug store in Rajshahi (place) . You created one website for the marketing campaign of that store. With normal SEO, people all over the world will find your site just by typing and searching for “pharmacy”.

However, since your shop is in Rajshahi, even if someone in Dhaka(place) somehow finds your shop by searching on Google, it will be of no use to them. They will definitely not come to Rajshahi from Dhaka to buy your products. That is, since the shop is in Rajshahi, your target audience is also the people of Rajshahi.In such a situation, many people want to ensure that people from other regions can’t find their website in search engines. Instead, when people from Rajshahi search by typing “drug store” in Google, the website will be found at the top of the search list.In this case, they all have to apply Local SEO, a special form of SEO. The feature of Local SEO is that it easily attracts visitors from targeted locations.

Because if you do SEO in general, your competition will be all the websites around the world with that keyword. On the other hand, if you do SEO targeting a specific area, your only competition will be other webpages targeting that specific area. That is, the competition will be greatly reduced.That’s why SEO experts try to target Local SEO on various company-based websites.

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