Some Important Fact About Facebook

In this article i shere some important facts about facebook .why facebook is so popular?Why we use it? Is facebook use time wasted or not?. So my dear friends let get started…


What is the reason that Facebook has become so popular with people?


Those who have the habit of drinking, tobacco, cigarettes, etc. will understand the matter well. A man watches too many movies; I like watching his movies. A man listens to too much music; I like listening to his music. Who eats more sweets; he likes to eat sweets. That plays sports; he likes to do that. Now, two packs of cigarettes a day are consumed; ask such a man this question: smoke so many cigarettes; surely it feels good to eat? Cigarettes are your favorite; right?


No one likes cigarettes. He does not like to eat it at all. Still, after spending money, he is forced to smoke cigarettes again and again. It is his habit; his addiction. Just like that, the Facebook thing is no one’s favorite. Facebook is not popular at all. Facebook is a habit; an addiction. For no reason, Facebook opens hundreds of times a day. Searches from top to bottom. He doesn’t even know what to look for. This is his habit; his addiction.


Why is Facebook so popular?

Facebook is the most popular media of the present era. From maintaining social communication to business, Facebook is making a huge contribution. Now, Facebook is not only for maintaining communication, but Facebook is also working as a means of income. In addition to social communication, Facebook is also used for many entertainment purposes.

Facebook is one of the social media that exists today. Audio and video calls can be made through Facebook. Everyone can chat on Facebook by video call. There is a system to earn by doing business through Facebook page. Apart from pictures and videos on Facebook, you can fully express your opinion through likes, comments, and shares. Facebook is making a big contribution to get breaking news of every moment.


When has Facebook been popular?

On October 28, 2003, Mark Zuckerberg and his friends launched a social media website called FaceMash. It later changed its name to Facebook in 2004. The birth year of Facemash, i.e., on August 1, 2003, a social networking service named MySpace was launched, which was very popular from 2005-2008. However, Facebook suddenly started to overtake its popularity in 2008 and in May 2009 it surpassed MySpace as the most visited/used social media website.


Why is the rate of Facebook users higher in America than in Asia?

Asian users still don’t understand the evils of using social media. Our average intelligence is lower than western countries. We don’t understand the dangers of using anything. And social media owners are also making money using this strategy. I read this in a newspaper report. -Countries in Asia or Africa use mobiles for entertainment and throughout the day. And Westerners use mobile as a tool that makes life easier. I saw many celebrities in the West don’t even have social media accounts. And our morning starts with a good morning status on Facebook.


What time is wasted using Facebook?

Many on Quora directly say not to use Facebook. Because time is wasted.

My point is, time wasted is relative. Let me explain.

If you are a businessman or entrepreneur, Facebook is the center of your business. Then you have to spend time on Facebook. Even if you are a student, you should visit Facebook 1/2 times a day. Because the thing is that almost everything important notice, update, or study related for students is on Facebook.

There are so many things available on Facebook. Viral videos, fun videos, various news, photos of friends traveling, etc. etc. Now if someone logs into Facebook and scrolls all day long, they keep watching one video after another. Likes are read with comments, then it is nothing but a waste of time.

If you have any output from Facebook, that’s fine. And if there is nothing else to do on Facebook except fun videos, memes, viral videos, then feel free to waste your time. The bottom line is, Facebook sucks, it’s a waste of time, there’s no point in saying these one-sided things. Because Facebook is good or bad depending on how you use it!! Facebook should be used or not!”

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