Make Your Dreams Come True

We like the stars, we are lost without them.We illustrate the future we desire for ourselves to grow up and be a doctor, exploring distant places or picking-up some fancy new talent.That said, how do we turn these dreams into reality? But we can get it, you need the right attitude in order to make your dreams real. Here’s how you can do it.

Main Action Step You Should Follow
  • Know What Your Dreams Are
  • Clear Goals
  • Make a Plan
  • Take Action
  • Stay Committed
  • Face Your Fears
  • Keep Learning
  • Stay Positive
  • Build a Support System
  • Clear Goals
  • Be Flexible
  •  Believe in Yourself


Know What Your Dreams Are

The first step is to understand what the dreams you have are. What do you really want? Give it some thought, what are you happy doing/What do you love? Write down your dreams. That thing could be anything, creating a business, painting or being a musician for example.

Your visualization must be bright. If you still do not know exactly what you want, you may keep wandering and never succeed! So, consider the life you wish to live. Many many years ago, I remember someone asking me ‘what is your dream life?’

Clear Goals

Once you find out your dream, you then need to set numerous goals instead of only one. Those goals are the mile-markers on your map that will lead you from dream to reality. If you are meant to open up a business your goals may include things like learning about business, saving money or finding a mentor.

Ensure your goals are easy to understand. Put simply, your goals should be specific and measurable (i.e., not too vague), attainable in some capacity of time. Goals focus the mind and motive It also just makes your dream seem a tad bit more achievable.

Make a Plan

A goal without a plan is just waiting. You need a plan to realize your dreams. It should outline what you are doing, the actions that need to be taken to reach your vision and some of the resources required whether it be time or money.

List the major milestones that need to happen so you can make this dream a reality. From there, split these steps into micro-tasks for you to do day-by-day or week-by-week. Such as, wanting to develop into an author: your plan could involve writing each day and part of a creating group; deliver the output to publishers or whatever.

Your plan should be flexible. You never know what life has in store for you, and sometimes things do not go according to plan. But if you are open to changes, this will allow you to keep on the path even when it gets difficult.

Take Action

Action is the most critical aspect of chasing your dreams. No plan, however good it is, will work unless you take action on them. This means getting uncomfortable and doing what needs to be done, even it suck.

Start small if you need to. So simply acting consistently towards what it is you want. Every action you can do is a ripple in its direction, even if it means working one hour towards your dream every day or making the leap to change jobs.

Just keep in mind, progress is still a process and no matter how small it may be it’s still something. Rather than looking for the perfect moment to make a drastic change, it is better to start working towards your goals in smaller ways every day. You add it up and over time, small things really will take you a ways down the road to your dream.

Stay Committed

You’ve got to be on your A game if you want to fulfill a dream. Sometimes things are difficult and you might think it is not worth the trouble. However, you need to be relentless and keep going.

Remember why the hell you started. That is how people stay committed to things they care about. What inspired you to follow this dream? How will this make your life different? Constant recall of these will help you to stay on track.

Acknowledge the small victories along your path. Take into account how much you have achieved and reward yourself. It will help you keep inspired, motivated and remember that yes, I am on the right track.

Face Your Fears

These fears and doubts can often impede you from following your dreams. Certainly it is normal to be scared when you are headed towards something significant and meaningful — but here, let your fear propel you forward!

The more practical way to undermine your fears, is by acknowledging their existence but specifying that you will not be granted victory over. Think about the good aspects of following your dream and then reap those benefits.

How to Overcome Resistance Tip #5:- Become More Confident. It will get easier the more you learn and practice. Be with those you trustINCREMENT 3 They will enable you to maintain a positive attitude.

Keep Learning

In the pursuit of your dreams stay in a state of learning. That means trying new things, acquiring new skills and learning from your failures.

Never fear the unknown, get out of your bubble and session something different. Knowledge is power in dealing with challenges you face. Setbacks should be viewed as chances to grow. Reflect on that failure, learn from it and try again.

This will not only get you to your dream but also make the journey fun and enjoyable. It will provide you strength and courage.

Stay Positive

That positive feeling you need when chasing your dreams It is common to become frustrated when there are setbacks or things take longer than expected, but there needs to be perseverance.

Show your gratitude every day by thinking about what you are grateful for. This will help you concentrate on the positives in your life. Read or associate with things you like and find positive influences from anyone be it people or books.

Visualization: Another Robust Tool Picture Your Dream Life & Feel The Emotions Only This can help you in believing your dream and be self motivated.

Build a Support System

It helps to have a strong and supportive group of friends when wanting something bad enough. Be with like-minded people who want to watch you succeed. They can cheer you on and be there to support your journey.

Support could be family, friends, coaches or like minded people with the same level of ambition and goals. Ask them for help when you need it and share your dreams with them.

Your network is also a great source of additional resources and opportunities in addition to the emotional support. You might meet someone who can assist you, give advice and whatnot… or she may even work alongside the journey.

Be Patient

Achieving your dreams will not happen overnight so patience is needed. It doesn’t just come to you in a day or two. There will be challenges, there are always ups and downs but in the end its may take a tad longer than what you were expecting.

Be Patient and Keep the Faith Pursue your dreams despite low movement Every move you make gets closer to your dream, even if it doesn’t feel like that now.

Persistence is key. So, whatever happens… do not give up! Poker world, believe in yourself and your dreams: Keep Grindin’! The path may be a long one, yet it is Worth It in the End.

Be Flexible

Your goals and dreams might shift as you outwork them. This is normal. Physical and mental flexibility: Being adaptable and able to change plans when necessary is crucial.

And that if you find new passions and interests as your journey changes, don’t be afraid to change your goals. Dreams grow as you grow. Just make sure you do your best to remain authentic and keep doing what makes you happy.

By your openness to change and willingness to adapt, will you ultimately channel the essence of what it is that you desire most in life — enabling for a grand existence along this cosmic journey.

Believe in Yourself

The first step in achieving your dreams is you actually have to believe that YOU can do it! You are a high achiever and your dreams can easily be realized. Believe in yourself and know that you have the potential to get through anything.

Believe in yourself and success will follow. You will likely have difficulty taking steps toward your dream if you do not have it. But you can do anything with it.

Think of your strengths and victories in the past. Take them and prove what you are capable of. Whenever doubt starts to arise, replace it with positive thinking instead.


Achieving what you want in life is a process of – knowing exactly what it is that you want to accomplish, figuring out how to get there and making the required sacrifices on your part. Wondering how you can turn dreams into reality? Well, the key is to know your dream and subsequently clear goal setting along with consistent action. Stick with it, confront fears when they arise and keep learning. You can do anything you want to, with a little self-confidence and positive thinking. So, take action and go after your dreams because the process in achieving it can be one of the most fulfilling things you will ever do.

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