Drive Your Blog to the Top: Strategies for Maximum Traffic

How can I bring more traffic to my blog?

First, it takes some time to get visitors to a new blog. It is not the case that visitors will come to your blog only if the post is indexed. First, the post gets indexed, but even more crucially it must then rise high enough in search rankings to land on page 1. But, the new blog posts are not going to be in page one of search results as soon as they get indexed.Use image optimization pluginsThe next most important step you should take to reduce the frequency of your site is by using an image optimisation plugin on your web images.Use of alt tag for each and every image is must to rank it better. In the second step, you need to ask your hosting provider if they have a CDN. Else you have to do it manually and keep the cdn asset in your site.

This will help to improve the speed of your website as it is very important for google ranking. No doubt good content leads the path to website success. Your content should be meaningful, and not the copy-paste of some another content. So today i am gonna share few tips and tricks through which you can get traffic to your site so lets get into it right now.

Here ere will be your focus to rank a blog on the first page of Google

▶What are articles in your blog about?

▶ Who are you targeting?

▶ How long have you been working?

▶What techniques have you used?

▶ How is your content competition?

▶The most important thing is how soon you want more traffic, etc.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process by which you can move your website to a higher position on the first page of search engine results (SERP). Through SEO, you can get better search engine rankings for your website for relevant keywords. Search engine optimization (SEO) can be one of the main ways to increase visitors to any type of website, new or old. We search by typing various keywords in the search engines, we usually visit the first 2-3 websites from the websites that come first in the search results.

You have to start a blog from Google Keyword Planner, where you can type low competition keywords and make them readable. For example, if your blog belongs to the cooking niche and you are targeting “recipes” related keywords then apart from these target micro-niche same way like easy vegan breakfast recipes.

The primary challenge associated with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work is how the site can be displayed at a high position in every search result. However, the scope of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very large. Before starting it, it is necessary to have a complete understanding of on-page, off-page, title and image optimization, keyword research, backlinks.

Create quality conten

Creating quality content on your blog is very important. Your content should be relevant, informative, and interesting. Also, your content should be written clearly, legibly, and error-free.

Use catchy titles

A good title can bring you more visitors than usual. Because when searching something in Google, most of us visit the page only looking at the title/heading. Also, the content should come with quality and depth. Through a blog post, the reader can definitely learn something important and then he will be interested in your website. You have to take care of that.

Stay active on social media

When a website is new, no one knows about it. So social media can be the easiest and most effective way to reach the target visitors of your website. Regularly publish posts on social media. Social media is one of the most effective ways to increase your blog traffic. Share your blog link on social media platforms and actively interact with your readers.In this case, if you have a good idea about Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, then you can easily divert visitors from these social media sites to your website.

In today’s context, no website can rank very well without social media. A teenager spends 9 hours a day on social media. Whereas an adult spends 40 minutes a day on YouTube, 35 minutes on Facebook, 25 minutes on Snapchat, 15 minutes on Instagram, and 1 minute on Twitter. From this, we can understand how important social media is to increase website visitors.

Article Marketing

Nowadays, article marketing is the easiest way to bring quality traffic to any blog or a specific web page. Many say that article marketing has no long-term impact on web marketing. But the comments of prominent bloggers and those involved in web marketing are just the opposite. Matt Cutt, Head of Google Web Spam Department, recently issued guidance on this matter. According to him, content quality is being prioritized in Google search from now on. In that case, article marketing is definitely the priority in online marketing. The quality of the article will depend on how satisfied and engaged the reader is with your writing. You will get traffic only if you can make him feel like coming to your blog through your writing.

Blog comments

Another popular way to increase online marketing or site traffic is blog commenting. It plays a very effective role in getting not only traffic but also backlinks for any site. However, to comment on a blog, it must match the content of that blog, that is, it is desirable to be relevant, especially since Google’s recent update, Google is monitoring it very closely. Otherwise, there is a possibility of spam. Spam comments are a concern for top bloggers today. To get success in commenting, you need to register with top-level and popular blogs. It is possible to get 50 to 100 visitors from 1 relevant comment on a good quality blog and also have backlinks for search engines. You can find blog commenting sites related to your blog or website by using search engines.

Forum posting / question-answer site

Another great way to get website visitors is through forum posting and question-and-answer sites. People post questions on forums and question-and-answer sites. If you provide a link to your website with some information about what the visitor wants to know, traffic from those sites will go to your site. However, care should be taken that while answering on forum sites or question-answer sites, it is done correctly. There are many forum sites that don’t like sharing links to other websites. So before starting work on these sites, you need to check their rules carefully.

Video Marketing

Video marketing can be another means of bringing visitors to the website. Posting videos related to a niche on video-sharing sites, and linking an URL of the website by describing it increases site visits through sending traffic from that video using this method.Comment on blogs: Commenting on other bloggers blog is also one way to  increase your blog traffic. Comment on other blogs’ comments, write posts, and share links.

Focus on email marketing and guest posts

Influencer partnership and old blog posts need to be re-uploaded.Must understand Google analytics and search terms very well.Video content should be arranged in special cases.Lastly, if you’re dealing with organic traffic, you need to put in the time. Because blogging is a slow process. It takes time to see results here, but when they do, every day is well spent.

Blogging is just a technical skill. You need to know business skills to build a big business and earn more money with these skills. So find new low-competition keywords and keep writing posts and wait for visitors to come to your blog.

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