6 Inspiring Quotes About Life and Change That’ll Change Us


6 Inspiring Quotes About Life and Change That’ll Change Us

Today, this content is only for those who always like to talk about books, who love reading books. In this article, I share Haemin Sunim’s 6 Inspiring Quotes About Life and Change from the amazing book “Love for Imperfect Things.” Let’s get started. And I think that these 6 Inspiring Quotes About Life and Change you may relate to in your life and also apply them in your life. So, let’s get started…

6 Inspiring Quotes About Life and Change

Number 01

First, I share one of my favorites Inspiring Quotes About Life and Change

“When we become kinder to ourselves, we can become kinder to the world.”

This is a true statement, and you never find it anywhere. When you are kinder to yourself first, when you love yourself first, when you prioritize yourself first, the world also finds you worthy. The world also becomes kind to you and gives you love and respect. So, be good, caring, and love yourself first, then others. And I think that this can be great advice for us.

Number 02

This one is really amazing Quotes About Life and Change 

“I wish you to be happy. But do not wait for someone to make you happy. Make the decision to be happy for yourself, and act on it. Do not surrender to someone else the power to make you happy.”

These are tremendous words that I always try to abide by. If you look all around us, you may notice that we depend on others for our happiness. We never try to do our own work. We always expect others to finish our tasks, help us overcome our problems.

Most of the time, we wait for someone, and after that, we expect we will be happy. But it never happens like that. But this is not right for your own peace because if you properly depend on other people, you may lose your ability to solve your own problems. And if no one helps you overcome your problems, if no one gives you time, you may be unhappy.

Please do not surrender your power that puts you happy. Who sits next to you in the car, make sure you drive the car. The car means your happiness, your life.

Number 03

This is just one that you may relate to more  About Life and Change :

“If you really like someone, you do not offer the excuse that you are busy. No matter how busy you are, you still make time. If they constantly make excuses, let them go. You deserve better than them.”

We who are really busy know that busyness is like a priority. Everyone is so busy, but where we give priority, who we give priority to, what work we give priority to most, where we spend time more, how we divide our 24 hours, how can I balance my time, may I be able to balance my time or not, this is all about depending on me.

If you have someone important in your life and if they always say, “I am so busy, sorry, dear, I will talk to you later,” if they continuously do that without any reason, that means you are not on their priority list. It may be better for you to let them go.

Number 04

“Before asking someone for a favor, a wise person thinks about how to help that person first. A foolish person asks a favor thoughtlessly. They talk about powerful people they know, or try to make you feel a sense of obligation, or else they simply beg again and again.”

After asking someone for help, make yourself necessary to them first. You help them. You make yourself useful. When you become useful to others, then you see the world also becomes useful for you. People all around you also help you. They also stand for you.

This is what I also say: create your own value first. Then, when you stand up, the world also stands for you. If someone needs help, don’t take it negatively. You are helpful, and for this reason, people come to you.

Here, remember one thing always:

If someone did not ask for your help, do not try to solve their problem.

In my childhood, my mother taught me, “When you see someone needing help, go fast and help.” But growing up, I have learned that if someone does not want help, then there is no need to help them. You can just ask, “May I help you?” If they tell you yes, then you will help; otherwise, there is no need to help. Otherwise, you may have to hear something like, “Did I tell you to help me?”

So, be careful, don’t be too good.This one is one of my fevorite Quotes About Life and Change what I apply in my life.

Number 05

Frustration and failure are part of life. If we do not flee from them but come to know what we need to do next.

We expect or think that we always stay happy. None of us wants our lives to suffer. We want no failure in our life, no worry, no pain; we just want to stay happy.

So, the author said frustration, sadness, failure are a part of life. Our life passes through the ocean of sorrow and pain. When we fall in pain and frustration, if we take it positively and handle it coolly, we can think then about what will be the next step, how will be our next movement.

This is good advice, I think.

Number 06

Do not beg for people’s attention. As you discover and develop your unique strengths, they will pay attention to you automatically. If you catch yourself desiring people’s attention, tell yourself, “I just have to get better at what I do.” You are noble; don’t act like a beggar.

This is the great one that I like most. It means that if you have skills, if you work smartly, create unique things, and also create your own value, people will give you respect and attention automatically. You do not need to go to any individuals.

Don’t behave like a beggar. If you need attention, focus on your work and be skillful. After that, people will give you everything automatically.

Read More : Book

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