The ten rules of Japanese people

Japanese people believe that if you love to do somethings, if you like somethings, that means you’ll be fine. For them, the concept of well-being is to be busy. And they gave this concept of well-being a strange name called ikigai. What people and things inspire you to have more years of life? What’s the secret? To be beautiful, to be healthy, to be alive is what ikigai means.

There is an island in the southern part of Japan called Okinawa. The people of that island live longer than people in any other part of the world, even people in other parts of Japan, or they have a higher average life expectancy. Once two gentlemen went to that island. They interviewed people who lived more than 100 years. And by talking to them, they learned about the 10 rules behind their well-being. Let’s learn about those ten rules of Japanese people in today’s article. If you do what you love, you will be healthy. I will talk about it today.

For a long and happy life, you need to follow these ten rules:

1. Stay active and never retire

According to Japanese people, they never believe in the word “retirement.” This word doesn’t work for them. They say you may officially retire from your job. But that does not mean that you will stay at home all day without doing any work. They believe you should always do something that you love, the work you are good at, and the work that creates value for your life and your family. When you do such things, you will be motivated to live longer. If you are not active, you will lose your interest in living.

2: Take it slow

In our present day, we like to run around. I’m a busy person all the time, if I do say so myself. We do everything in a hurry. So, the Japanese say, stop rushing like that. They say if you don’t rush through everything, you’ll be motivated to live longer.

 3: Don’t fill your stomach

Japanese people want to tell you that when you sit down to eat something, please do not fill your stomach completely. Suppose you sit down to eat something, whatever your favorite is. You almost fill your stomach. But you are not satisfied. You want to eat more. But this is not right for your health. It’s really harmful to your health. Here Japanese people say, when you sit down to eat, leave 20% of your stomach empty. Then you can live many years healthily and normally. And when your health is good, then you will be happy. You will be inspired to live many more years.

 4: Surround yourself with good friends.

If you have good friends all around you, Japanese people believe that if you surround yourself with good people, and if you surround yourself with intelligent and hardworking people, you will become like them.

5: Get in shape for your next birthday

I hear Japanese people saying this all the time. By this, they want you to understand that you should never let your body deteriorate. You should always take care of it. For this, you should always keep your body active. You should take regular baths at home so you can stay healthy. Put yourself in gentle movement from time to time. Then you will be fine.

 6: Smile

If you can keep yourself smiling in all situations of life, then you can maintain cheerfulness in your life. Similarly, you can spread your cheerfulness around you. So, always try to keep yourself smiling. Think healthy thoughts yourself and spread healthy thoughts to others.

 7: Reconnect with Nature

In ancient times, people lived in forests. People of that time always had a connection with nature. It is almost nonexistent now. Now we live in brick and stone cities. So, in Japan, everyone has a small garden next to their house. In the garden, they work every day. But it may not be possible in our city life. But I can create a natural environment around the place where I live. As much as possible, I can keep small plants on the balcony or balcony of the house. Which will give a natural feeling. Japanese people say, go for a walk, go to a village house, if you have a small garden, work there. Then you will be healthy.

 8: Give Thanks


When you thank people for small things, you fill your life with gratitude. Then the reception from your society, friends, and family will keep you well. It plays a very important role in your life. Gratitude will always be with you. Keeps you mentally cheerful.

 9: Live in the moment

Stop regretting the past and fearing the future. Today is all you have. Make the most of it. Make it worth remembering.
The moment in which you live exists only now. You can never get that moment back. So, for today, you only have today. So let’s not think about what happened in the past, what will happen in the future. We live in our present moment, focus on the present moment. Live well in today’s moment. And do something to remember every day of life. We know that every day of our life is never special. But we can try to make it special. Not in the past, not in the future, live today.

10: Follow Your Ikigai

The Japanese say the secret of Ikigai is to follow Ikigai. We all have a passion in our lives that we love. But at some point, because of the reality of everything, we move away from it. We move away from our Ikigai. The thing we love to do. When we move away from what we love, when we stop, that’s when we lose interest in life. Each of us has our own Ikigai. Your job’s Ikigai can be anything. It can be one person, it can be many people. It can be one job or many jobs. If you don’t know which thing, which person, which jobs are the Ikigai of your life, what makes you feel good, helps you to survive, so your first task will be to find out what your Ikigai is or what the meaning of your life is. What is the purpose? Find out who it is. And follow it all the time. Never stray from your Ikigai no matter what happens in life.